Tik Mizan middle school assessment experience

Assalamualakum wr.wb.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Angga Saputra. Here I will tell you about my experience of yesterday's assessment directly!

From the first day until the last day we are required to speak English at school and in the dormitory, we also make our own judgment because English is an important international language where foreigners use English.

I also enjoy speaking English, even though I can't speak English very well, but after a while we get used to it.

Then, on the first day of the opening, all the groups were divided into, after dividing the groups, making a table of points of violation in English, the camp was finished, then I immediately rested. 

Then the next day there were guests from Pakistan who really appreciated what we presented to the guests and I was also happy because I could meet guests from Pakistan who really shared and respected us, whether they were teachers and students.

 then the next day my group friends and I discussed what we are selling? and my group and I want to sell Bogor's typical wet spring rolls and bros for women. then the next day my group and I shopped for ingredients that we wanted to sell on the last day, which was the last Friday we spoke in English. Then the next day my group of friends and I sold at the bazaar located at the Mizan Tik Tik Middle School field in Depok on the last day of Friday.

Maybe that's enough of my experience, I hope you're interested!

Assalamualaikum wr.wb. 


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